As a Premier Partner we would like to invite you to join in participating in one of the Volunteer Center programs listed below:


Skilled Volunteering

The Anne Arundel County Volunteer Center Skilled Volunteering Program is a collaborate initiative that provides a means for our nonprofit partners to connect with volunteers who have specific skills required by the nonprofit to meet their organizational needs. Examples include:

  • Designing an organization’s website
  • Conducting statistical research
  • Training on human resource issues
  • Providing expert carpentry skills
  • Translating program materials into another language
  • Presenting workshops to students

How does the Skilled Volunteering Program work?

An organization submits a request for Skilled Volunteering to the Volunteer Center with as much notice and detail as possible. Requests can range in project diversity, length of commitment, and level of expertise. Our Skilled Volunteers Coordinator, Bruce Morgenstern, will then search a database of skilled volunteers for a match and contact those individuals directly to determine interest and to connect them with the requesting organization.  Bruce will also post these requests on the Volunteer Center website on the Skilled Volunteer Opportunities webpage.

The Volunteer Center provides the Skilled Volunteering Program as a resource to our Agency Partners. It is the responsibility of the agency to screen any individuals who inquire about the project.

Click here for more detailed information about registered skills and the skill registration process.

How does an organization submit a request for the Skills Bank?

Email a complete project and skills description to Bruce Morgenstern at or contact him at (410) 897-9207.


FLEX Volunteers

The FLEX Volunteer Program is designed to help nonprofit organizations enhance their use of volunteers of all ages and abilities, as well as leadership volunteers, in time limited and recurring projects for the agencies.Projects could include, but would not be limited to, annual events and agency-specific recurring activities or projects.

The FLEX Program Manager will perform training on project-based volunteering for agencies, and work with them in identifying FLEX Volunteer Project Leaders. We will train and mentor the FLEX Volunteer Leaders in consultation with the agency, and perform evaluations based on feedback received from all parties.What we contribute:

  • Opportunity to develop new recurring projects and enhance existing ones.
  • Training of FLEX Volunteer Leaders to manage agency projects.
Download an application today!

If there are any questions about FLEX Volunteers, contact Holli Dillard-Cranfill at (410) 897-9207 or .