Attention Donors!

Your gift to The Volunteer Center truly makes a difference.  No donation is too small!  Your donation of:

$10 enables a volunteer professional to engage students by visiting a local school and presenting volunteer opportunities.

$25 helps connect local youth with volunteer opportunities each time we update the “Student Portal” on our website, The Portal helps youth find great volunteer opportunities easily and quickly that help meet community service, volunteering, or service learning requirements.

pays for 5 native plants to protect the Chesapeake Bay Watershed that volunteers will plant during our Save the Bay Day project in April.

$100 funds one “Lunch and Learn” workshop to equip volunteer managers to better engage and retain volunteers.

$500 underwrites tools and supplies for our Days of Service, such as 9-11 Day of Service, MLK Day and Family Volunteer Day.  On these special days, we mobilize hundreds of volunteers of all ages and abilities to make a real difference in Anne Arundel County.

helps sustain the Volunteer Center’s website that incorporates a cloud-based searchable database. The website contains important information about programs and services of the Volunteer Center and links volunteers to a growing database of volunteer opportunities at nonprofit, governmental and faith-based agencies in/or serving Anne Arundel County.

$5000  helps us provide our core service: connecting prospective volunteers with opportunities to serve in Anne Arundel County.  We serve all of the residents of the County and no fees are charged. We work with nonprofit, faith-based and governmental agencies to:  keep information current on volunteer needs in the County and implement web outreach and weekly press releases that inform County residents about where they can best use their skills and abilities as volunteers. Our new "For Students" portal at focuses on high school and college student volunteers, and identifies specific volunteer opportunities that are
appropriate for students