
Flexible Volunteer Program
Take charge or join in on a community project by joining the FLEX Volunteer Program. FLEX projects provide a convenient way for volunteers to help their community through one-time or ongoing projects. The choice is up to the volunteer. FLEX members can either participate as a leader or as a volunteer. Use our Volunteer Calendar to search for FLEX opportunities.  Learn more...

Skilled Volunteering

Do you well developed skill such as writing, database management, construction management or bookkeeping?  We can match your interests to organizations needing specific help to develop, maintain, or enhance services they provide to county residents.  Make sure you let us know your specific skills and interests when you fill out our volunteer application.  Learn more...

Youth Volunteer Corps
Anne Arundel County Recreation and Parks has Youth Summer Volunteer Opportunities!  Over the past 20 years youth throughout Anne Arundel County have gained the experience and skills it takes to be a leader and an advocate as they stand out in their communities.  These unique summer volunteer programs are for youth who have completed 6th grade through high school.  Recreation and Parks is an affiliate of the Youth Volunteer Corps which is a national organization recognizing the importance of youth volunteers.  Learn more...

Disaster Programs
In a disaster, volunteers will be called upon to staff hotlines, assess damage, sort donated food, prepare meals, comfort survivors and much more. The Anne Arundel County Volunteer Center will connect people who want to help to the places where help is most needed. More importantly, you can train with a response agency before a disaster strikes to become a skilled volunteer fully prepared for our next local emergency.  Learn more...