Welcome to COVAAC!



COVAAC Recurring Events and Interests

A very important part of COVAAC are the professional development programs that are available to its members!  COVAAC offers four such programs for professional development during the course of our year (September through June).  Programs that we have offered in the past are:

  • Best Practices
  • Recognizing Volunteers
  • Writing Grants
  • Risk Management for Nonprofits

The state-wide organization, Maryland Council of Directors of Volunteer Services (MCDVS), offers periodic discussions on timely topics, presented by panel members or associated volunteer organizations.  MCDVS hosts four workshops each year and non-members are welcome to attend one complimentary meeting.  For all members, the workshop fee is included in the annual MCDVS dues.  Please visit: www.mcdvs.org for more details.

The Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County (CFAAC) has its latest edition of the Needs Assessment report, "Poverty Amidst Plenty: Two Faces of Anne Arundel County" available for interested readers.  Click Here to view the full report.  For more information about CFAAC, please visit: www.cfaac.org.

 COVAAC Coming Events

Nominations are being accepted
for the AACVC Hall of Fame!

The Deadline to receive Nominations is
5:00 pm, Friday, October 2nd, 2015!

                               Click here for details...