Bay Community Support Services (BAY-CSS)

Bay-CSS is a leader of services to people with disabilities throughout Southern and Central Maryland.  Their services promote the ability of people with varying abilities, ages, and life situations to live and work successfully in their communities. They are offering the following volunteer opportunities:

  1. Bay-CSS is looking for friendly and caring volunteers to assist with maintenance and upkeep (weeding, raking, tree trimming, painting, and minor repairs) at our residential group homes in Anne Arundel County.
  2. We are also in need of assistance with maintaining our agency’s vehicles (washing and detailing).  This is a great opportunity for a volunteer group.
  3. Looking for individuals to serve on our Safety Committee. Committee Members will be asked to provide feedback on current dealings involving the health and safety of the Agency, to help brainstorm new policies and procedures or ideas on how to improve in the areas of health and safety, and may also be asked to do person to person interviews with our individuals.

For more information, please contact Brandy Blackstone at 301-863-8870 x322 or via e-mail at .  Website:

The Epilepsy Foundation
The Epilepsy Foundation, a national non-profit with more than 47 affiliated organizations throughout the United States, has led the fight against seizures since 1968.  The Foundation is an unwavering ally for individuals and families impacted by epilepsy and seizures.  The Foundation works to prevent, control, and cure epilepsy through community services; public education; federal and local advocacy; and supporting research into new treatments and therapies.  The Foundation works to ensure that people with seizures have the opportunity to live their lives to their fullest potential.

The Epilepsy Foundation is looking for a student volunteer to assist the Special Events team at their office in Landover, MD.  The volunteer would be responsible for helping to plan the annual National Walk for Epilepsy as well as several other large scale fundraising events.  Volunteers should have strong computer skills, strong research skills, good writing and proofreading skills, and be detail oriented.

To apply, please email your resume to Adina Frazier at .  For additional information, visit

If you are interested, contact or call 866-433-9255.  For more information, visit

Spa Creek Conservancy
Becoming a Good Creek Neighbor is Easy – Learn How

Spa Creek Conservancy, an all-volunteer organization dedicated to stewardship of the Spa Creek Watershed through restoration, mitigation, preservation and education, is looking for student volunteers to participate in environmental restoration projects and stormwater runoff best management such as: rain garden planting, bioswales, stream clean up, invasive species removal, stormwater planters, and maintenance of the features.

Whether you want to learn more about Spa Creek and its watershed ecology, do hands-on work to restore it, or help them in another capacity, the Spa Creek Conservancy has many opportunities to take positive action for the benefit of the Creek and the people and other living things within its watershed.

Over the next three years they will be executing over $4,000,000 in grants on more than 10 projects, including the restoration of the entire headwaters stem of the Creek. They are seeking volunteers to assist with a wide variety of ongoing restoration projects on Spa Creek at local schools, community street end parks, businesses, and churches. 

The best way to get involved is to become a junior member of the Spa Creek Conservancy, but you don't have to join to help out for a day, a week, a month, or on a specific project or committee.  There is no cost to join as a junior member.  They also encourage Girls Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Eagle Scouts to join them and earn project credits.

What goes into storm drains from roofs and driveways flows directly into Spa Creek–untreated–and ultimately ends up in the Chesapeake Bay.  Their goal is to help Spa Creek return to a fishable, swimmable, Chesapeake Bay tributary.

Become a volunteer of the Spa Creek Conservancy.   Training will be provided.

 For more information, contact Mel Wilkins at 410-271-5546 or Amy Clements at (410) 279-5554, and visit