The Anne Arundel County Volunteer Center is excited to provide special exclusive discount offers from our Business Partners, in the form of coupons, to you, our volunteer community.  These offers benefit you and help support us.

The Volunteer Center thanks our friends at Bay Ridge Wine & Spirits for having offered a discount coupon to our volunteers and donating a portion of the sales to the Volunteer Center. If you own a business, or know someone who owns a business that typically offers coupon discounts, tell them about our great deal.  The Anne Arundel County Volunteer Center will advertise their discounts FOR FREE!

When a business offers us a percentage of sales related to a coupon, we do the following:

  • We send the offer to our 5,000+ volunteers and business partners
  • We post the offer on our website (over 2,000 unique hits per month)
  • We advertise and distribute the coupon at our events
  • We post the offer on Facebook and Twitter
  • We tell all of our friends!
All of the above is done FOR FREE, and return we request a small percentage of the sales directly related to the use of that coupon.  THERE IS NO RISK TO THE BUSINESS, and the donation of the portion of sales is tax deductible.  For more information, contact the Volunteer Center at 410-897-9207 or email .  Start finding your new customers TODAY!!